About Us

Alright, listen up, folks! We’re George and Johnie, two adventure-hungry Greeks who hopped on a plane to Cyprus for a slower, sunnier slice of life. You see, back in Greece, the pace was fast—so fast that even our morning coffee felt like a sprint! Cyprus, though? Ahh, it’s where time slows down and even the sun takes its sweet time setting

this is how our idea was born

So, what’s the first thing we did? Yep, we rented a car, just like every other tourist on the island. Don’t get us wrong; it was nice. But nice wasn’t good enough for us. We wanted amazing, memorable, “tell-your-grandkids” kind of experiences. 

Enter the humble bicycle. One day, we hopped on a couple of bikes and pedaled our way through a charming village. Boom! It hit us. On bikes, we weren’t just looking at Cyprus; we were living it. We felt every curve of the road, heard the sea whispering, and even exchanged “Yia sas!” with the locals.

this is how our idea was born

So, what’s the first thing we did? Yep, we rented a car, just like every other tourist on the island. Don’t get us wrong; it was nice. But nice wasn’t good enough for us. We wanted amazing, memorable, “tell-your-grandkids” kind of experiences. 

Enter the humble bicycle. One day, we hopped on a couple of bikes and pedaled our way through a charming village. Boom! It hit us. On bikes, we weren’t just looking at Cyprus; we were living it. We felt every curve of the road, heard the sea whispering, and even exchanged “Yia sas!” with the locals.

this is how our idea was born

this is how our idea was born

So, who’s Flexoow for? It’s for you, whether you’re a local or just cruising through. It’s your backstage pass to the Cyprus you won’t find in guidebooks. With us, you’ll discover that hidden café or that perfect sunset spot. Let’s get one thing straight: Flexoow isn’t your average, run-of-the-mill bike rental. Nope. It’s an invite to be a part of something way cooler. So saddle up, because it’s time to make some Insta-worthy memories and stories that start with, “You won’t believe what happened when I was in Cyprus…” Ready to roll? Let’s make some awesome happen—one pedal, one laugh, one jaw-dropping view at a time. Come ride with us!

Enter the humble bicycle. One day, we hopped on a couple of bikes and pedaled our way through a charming village. Boom! It hit us. On bikes, we weren’t just looking at Cyprus; we were living it. We felt every curve of the road, heard the sea whispering, and even exchanged “Yia sas!” with the locals.



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About Us